Amira Ezzat Abedelrhman

The role of the family physician in increasing the acceptability and use of family planning methods in primary health care centers in Elshrouk New city / دور طبيب العائلة فى زيادة إستخدام و تقبل وسائل منع الحمل فى مراكز الرعاية الصحية الأولية فى مدينة الشروق الجديدة Amira Ezzat Abedelrhman ; Supervised Mervat Mahmoud Roushdy Elrafie , Gamal Gamal Eldin Youssef , Ghada Mahmoud Khafajy - Cairo : Amira Ezzat Abedelrhman , 2012 - 184 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Family Medicine

The postpartum period is a convenient time to address family planning women are particularly motivated to prevent conception just after birth, so the family physician is in good position to provide the necessary counseling regarding contraception for the new mother. The rewards in family medicine come from knowing patients intimately over time and sharing their trust, respect, and friendship and from the variety of problems encountered in practice that keep the family physician professionally stimulated and challenged

Cause of acceptance and refusal Family planning Post partum