Effect of soil moisture depletion and nitrogen fertilizer application date on wheat yields water and fertilizer use efficiencies in North Africa /
تأثير إستنفاذ الرطوبة الأرضية وميعاد أضافة السماد النيتروجينى على إنتاجية محصول القمح وكفاءة إستخدام المياة والسماد فى شمال أفريقيا
Adel Torky Beshara ; Supervised Adel Saad Elhassanin , Mahmoud Mohamed Saied , Taha Ismail Borham
- Cairo : Adel Torky Beshara , 2012
- 170P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D) - Cairo University - Institute of African Research and Studies - Department of Natural Resorces
Tow field experiments were conducted at Sakha Agric. res. station Farm Kafr Elsheikh govemorate during two successive seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. A split plot design with four replicates was carried out in this work to investigate the effect of splitting the recommended N- fertilizer rate under three levels of avaiable soil moisture depletion on yields of wheat and water and fertilizer use efficiencies in addition to the economic feasibility for each treatment