Relation of serum copeptin to both proteinuria and glomerular filteration rate in diabetics /
العلاقة بين مادة الكوبيبتين فى الدم وكلا من البروتينات فى البول ومعدل الارتشاح الكوبيبى فى مرضى السكر
Reham Abdelghany Ahmed ; Supervised Dawlat Mohamed Abdelhamid Belal , Hussien Saeed Elfishawy , Mervat Mamdooh Khorshied
- Cairo : Reham Abdelghany Ahmed , 2012
- 232 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine
Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) remains the leading cause of end stage renal sisease (ESRD) in the Western world . Vasopressin has been reported to exert deleterious effects on the kidney . Copeptin , the C - terminal portion of the precursor of AVP (arginine vasopressin) is secreted with it , and can be used as a surrogate marker of the AVP system