Fatma Mohamed Talaat Elgengehy

Efficacy of combined pegylated interferon\ribavirin therapy in the management of rheumatological manifestations of chronic HCV patients / تقييم فاعلية عقار الإنترفيرون طويل المفعول والريبافيرين فى علاج الأعراض الروماتيزمية المصاحبة لمرضى الإلتهاب الكبدى الفيروسى سي Fatma Mohamed Talaat Elgengehy ; Supervised Ayman Kamal Elgarf , Samar Mohamed Fawzy , Mohamed Said Abdelaziz - Cairo : Fatma Mohamed Talaat Elgengehy , 2012 - 141P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Rheumatology and rehabilitation

The HCV epidemic is particularly devastating in Egypt where the prevalence of HCV infection is about 12% chronic hepatitis C infection can result in accumulation of immune complexes and stimulate antibodies which can result in extrahepatic manifestations . This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of combined pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy in the management of rheumatological extraheptic manifestations in HCV patients

HCV Pegylated IFN Rheumatological extrahepatic manifestations