Manual placental removal versus cord traction for placental delivery at caesarean section in corelation to blood loss /
استخلاص المشيمة اليدوى مقارنة بشد الحبل السرى لتوليد المشيمة فى الولادة القيصرية وعلاقته بالد المفقود
Mohammed Nabil Fareed Hasneen ; Supervised Shammel Mustafa Hefny , Ahmed Mohammed Taher
- Cairo : Mohammed Nabil Fareed Hasneen , 2012
- 121P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Elivery by cesarean section is one of the most commonly performed Dobstetrical operations all over the world , but it exposes women to the inherent risks of major abdominal surgery , e. g., injury to the pelvic structures , infection and the need for blood transfusion . Antepartum physiological adaptation in preparation for blood loss at delivery includes a 42 % increase in plasma volume and a 24 % increase in red blood cell volume by the third trimester