Mohammad Nabil Ali Alrokh

Clinical aspects of neonatal thrombocytopenia among neonates in the NICU , Cairo University Obstetrics hospital / الأبعاد الإكلينيكية لنقص الصفائح الدموية فى حديثى الولادة بالرعاية المركزة لحديثى الولادة بمستشفى النساء والتوليد بجامعة القاهرة Mohammad Nabil Ali Alrokh ; Supervised Ayman Abdelrahman Elbadawi , Iman Fathy Iskander , Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelrezek - Cairo : Mohammad Nabil Ali Alrokh , 2013 - 104P. : charts , Facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Thrombocytopenia is the commonest hematological abnormality encomuntered in the Neonatal Instensive Care Unit ( NICU ) after phlebotomy induced anemia . This prospective observational study aimed to determine prevalence of neonatal thrombocytopenia and studying etiologies with correlation to age of onset and severity . This study was carried out in the NICU in Cairo University Obstetrics Hospital and was conduced on 319 neonates ; 229 preterm and 90 full term infants

Bleeding Early onset neonatal thrombocytopenia Late onset neonatal thrombocytopenia