Plasma level of thymus and activation - regulated chemokine (TARC) : A possible novel biomarker for occurrence and severity of childhood asthma /
مستوى عامل الغدة الزعترية المنشط المنظم كعامل دال جديد على وجود وشدة مرض الربو الشعبى فى الاطفال
Ayman fekrey Saleeb Armaneous ; Supervised Mona Mostafa Elfalaki , Khaled Saber Ibrahim , Hala Hamdi Shaaban
- Cairo : Ayman fekrey Saleeb Armaneous , 2007
- 138P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Pediatrics
Thymus and activation - regulated chemokine (TARC) is a key chemokine for attacting TH2 lymphocytes into sites of allergic inflammation
activation - regulated chemokine Plasma level of thymus TARC