Amal Alhossainy Ramadan

Effect of community-based care program on social competence and symptom intensity among hospitalized psychiatric patients / تأثير برنامج رعايه مجتمعيه علي الكفاءة الإجتماعية وحدة الأعراض لدي المرضى النفسيين المقيمين في المستشفي Amal Alhossainy Ramadan ; Supervised Enayat Abdelwahab , Zeinab Abdelhalim , Mostafa Omar Shaheen - Cairo : Amal Alhossainy Ramadan , 2012 - 213 , 49 Leaves ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Psychiatric Nursing

Schizophrenia is a major mental illness that causes change in perception, thoughts, and behavior. Cognitive impairments and social- skill deficit are hallmarks of schizophrenia and affect the patients' social competence in form of inability to achieve meaningful social relationships, maintain employment, and fulfill personal needs. Cognitive remediation and social skills training are community-based rehabilitation programs that help the patient to acquire independent living skills for improved functioning in their communities

Cognitive remediation Community based care Schizophrenia