Behavior of laterally loaded step tapered bored piles in calcareous cemented sand /
سلوك الخوازيق متغيرة القطر المنفذة بالتفريغ والمعرضة لاحمال جانبية فى التربة الرملية الجيرية المتماسكة
Mohamed Masoud Omer Al Deeb ; supervised Ahmed Amr Darrag , Nabil Fathy Ismael , Ashraf Kamal Hussein
- Cairo : Mohamed Masoud Omer Al Deeb , 2005
- 103P : ill ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Civil Engineering
The behavior of laterally loaded step tapered bored piles in calcareous cemented sand is studiedEffect of enlarged length on ultimate lateral capacity and deflection at pile head is investigatedTen lateral load tests on straight and step tapered bored piles were carried out at a site in KuwaitThe straight piles were 02 m and 03 m in diameterThe step tapered piles are 03 m in diameter along the upper 10 segment changing to 02 m for the lower sectionThe test results are compared with analytical predictions via linear and nonlinear approachesThis study shows that use of step tapered piles is highly efficient in design against lateral loadsEnlarging the upper pile section beyond a length of about 7 times the larger diameter (40of its length) has little effect on increasing the ultimate lateral capacityPile head deflection decreases substantially as the pile is strengthened over the upper length of 3 times or more the larger diameterLinear subgrade reaction theory gives predications which are not in agreement with the nonlinear pile response , whereas nonlinear analysis based on p - y curves employing the measured soil strength parameters yields load - deflection response close to measurementsA significant zone of bending moments is evident in the upper segment of ten times the larger diameter