Noha Tarek Moharned Elhusseiny Esh

Impact of circulating erythrocyte - derived microparticles on coagulation activation in sickle cell disease / تأثير الجزيئات الدقيقة المشتقة من كرات الدم الحمراء على نشاط التجلط فى مرض أنيميا الخلايا المنجلية Noha Tarek Moharned Elhusseiny Esh ; Supervised Rania Ahmed Zayed , Mona Kamal Elghamrawy , Hanan Alhusseini Mohamed - Cairo : Noha Tarek Moharned Elhusseiny Esh , 2013 - 130P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is characterized by a hypercoagulable state as a result of multiple factors including chronic hemolysis and the presence of circulating cell- derived microparticles (MPs) . The cellular origin of such MPs and the exact mechanism by which it enhance coagulation in SCD are not fully understood . The study aimed to clarify the presence of circulating erythrocyte - derived MPs in SCD patients during painful crisis and in steady state and the impact of these MPs on coagulation activation and fibrinolysis

Coagulation activation D-dimer Erythrocyte - derived microparticles