Aida Abdelmalek Ismail Mohamed

Study of the efficacy of cysteine protease inhibitor orally administrated or combined with praziquantel as chemotherapy for mice schistosomiasis mansoni / دراسة عن كفاءة عمل السستين بروتياز المتناولة بالفم منفردة او بالاضافة الى البرازيكوانيتال كعلاج كيميائى للفئران المصابة بالبلهارسيا Aida Abdelmalek Ismail Mohamed ; Supervised Somaya Osman Eldeeb , Azza Mohamed Elamir , Amira Helmy - Cairo : Aida Abdelmalek Ismail Mohamed , 2013 - 179 P. : charts , facsimiles , maps ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Zoology

Chemotherapy is the most widely advacated method of schistosmm iasis control (who 2002) praziquantel (PZa) is the drug of choice for treatment of sch. (who 2009) . Among the targets being explored for chemotherapy dexelopment a family of cysteine . Proteases enzymes (CPs) that play key roles in the life cycle protozoas and anti helminth parasites meckerrow 1999

Chemotherapy Cystein protens inhibitors Schistosomia S. mansoni