Effect of dietary fibers on the bioavailability of iron and zinc and the lipid levels of blood of rats /
تاثير الالياف الغذائية على الاتاحة الحيوية للحديد والزنك ومستوى الدهون فى دم فئران التجارب
Abeer Amin Afify Ahmed ; Supervised Fathallah ElWakeil , Salah Hussein Abou_Raya , ElSayed Mohamed Hegazi
- Cairo : Abeer Amin Afify Ahmed , 2006
- 200p : ill , 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Food Science and Technology
The specific effects of different dietary fiber sources (broad beans) on mineral utilization (Fe and Zn) and the lipid levels of blood of rats were investigated in two separate experiments (normal and hyperlipidemic rats) The determined biochemical parameters were fasting plasma glucose , hemoglobin concentration of each of Fe and Zn and lipid profile (total lipid , total cholesterol , triacylglycerides , HDL , LDL) Absorption and retention of Fe , Zn were measuredBody weight gain and feed efficiency ratio (FER) for normal rats and hyperlipideic rats fed the on tested diets were followed up to the end of the experiment (4 weeks) In the first experiment , highly significant decreases in body weight gain and FER were noticed for normal rat groups
Absorption Dietary fiber Iron Lipid profile Rats Retention Zinc