Mongy Helmy Rezk Beniamen

Predictors of mortality among trauma patients reaching the I.C.U alive / تنبؤات الوفاة بين مرضى الرضوح اللذين يصلون الرعاية المركزة احياء Mongy Helmy Rezk Beniamen ; Supervised Tarek Samir Elgohary , Karim Salem Mashhour , Nora Ismail Abbas - Cairo : Mongy Helmy Rezk Beniamen , 2013 - 178 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Critical Care Medicine

The present study was designed to determine the various predictors on admission (clinical radiological or laboratory) which can affect the outcome of head trauma patients reaching the I. C. U. alive . We aimed to develop and validate practical prognostic models for mortality after mild moderate and severe traumatic brain injury as early estimation of prognosis for the patient with TBI is an important factor in making treatment decisions resource allocation classify patients or communicating with family

Mortality Predictors Trauma