Rasha Rady Mohammed Mohammed Aly

Silent brain abnormalities in thalassemia intermedia / متلازمات المخ الصامتة فى الثلاسيميا الانتميديا Rasha Rady Mohammed Mohammed Aly ; Supervised Lobna Abdelgawad Mansour , Mona Mohamed Hamdy , Rania Hamdy Hashem - Cairo : Rasha Rady Mohammed Mohammed Aly , 2013 - 157 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Thrombo-embolic episodes (TEE) occurred 4:38 times more frequently in thalassemia intermedia (TI) than thalassemia major (TM). The prevalence of overt strokes in TI patients with a history of thrombosis ranges between 5% and 9%. Thrombosis in splenectomized TI patients is a chronic process. Aim of the work: This study aimed at detecting the prevalence of silent stroke in TI using MRI and TCD

Silent stroke Thalassemia intermedia Transcranial doppler