Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT scan in evaluation of primary and secondary extra-nodal lymphoma /
دور المسح الذرى البوزيترونى فى تقييم السرطان الكيمياوى خارج الغده الليمفاويه الاولى والثانويه
Sherien Mohamad Ahmad Mahdy ; Supervised Waleed Omar , Emad Ezzat , Mostafa Elhaddad
- Cairo : Sherien Mohamad Ahmad Mahdy , 2013
- 167 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Nuclear Medicine
PET was more accurate than CT for diagnosing both nodal and extranodal disease . PET resulted in changes in staging in 8% of patients examined for nodal disease and in 16% of patients examined for extranodal disease . PET is more likely to detect otherwise unsuspected organ involvement in the bone marrow than in the liver, spleen, or the digestive tract