Hisham Zuhair Khalil Alghalayini

The effects of fraud specialist on fraud risk assessment audit procedures and organizational performance : An experimental study / دور اخصائى الغش فى تقييم خطر الغش واجراءات المراجعة والاداء التنظيمى : دراسة تجريبية Hisham Zuhair Khalil Alghalayini ; Supervised Ahmed Abdelmoual Alsabagh - Cairo : Hisham Zuhair Khalil Alghalayini , 2013 - 172 Leaves ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Commerce - Department of Accounting

Purpose - The study aims to examine the relative merits of fraud specialist on Fraud risk assessment audit procedures and organizational performance . Design / methodology / approach - The study employed a questionnaire as a method of data collection after the succession of a pilot study

Fraud risk assessment Fraud specialist Standard autitors