Ghada Mohamed Shehata Nor Eldeen

Assessment of adipose tissue - derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiation potential into insulin secreting cells / تقييم مدى قدرة الخلايا الجزعية الوسطية المفصولة من الانسجة الدهنية على تطويرها الى خلايا منتجة للانسولين Ghada Mohamed Shehata Nor Eldeen ; Supervised Inas Raafat , Hala Gabr , Alice Abdelaleem - Cairo : Ghada Mohamed Shehata Nor Eldeen , 2013 - 122 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Backgroung : Diabetes is the eleventh most important cause of premature mortality in Egypt typically affects children and young adults and is responsible 2.4% of all years of life lost (YLL) and it is the sixth most important cause of disability burden in Egypt (National Center of Health and Population 2004)

Adipose tissue - derived mesenchymal stem cells Differentiation Insulin - producing cells