Belated Shakespearean mosaics modern Shakespearean intertexts : Alduwari's Shakespeare malikan (1995) McGuinness' Mutabilitie (1997) and Norman and Stoppard's Shakespeare in love (1998) /
منمنمات شكسبيرية فى عصور متأخرة : التناص الشكسبيرى الحديث فى مسرحيتى "شكسبير ملكا" (1995) للدويرى وتحويلات (1997 )لماكجينيس وفيلم شكسبير عاشقا 1998 لنورمان وستوبارد:
Noha Mohamad Mohamad Ibraheem ; Supervised Amal Aly Mazhar , Omaya Ibrahim Khalifa
- Cairo : Noha Mohamad Mohamad Ibraheem , 2013
- 320 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.A. ) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English
This thesis attempts to examine three "belated" works of art whose writers engage in intertextual relations with canonical Shakespearean works including plays and sonnets . These three Shakespearean mosaics belonging to three diifferent cultures are two plays namely