Assmaa Attia Ahmed

Disease outcome of newly diagnosed pediatric acute myeloid leukemia patients , experience of national canser institute Egypt / نتائج المرض فى حالات الليوكيميا الميلودية الحادة حديثة التشخيض خبرة المعهد القومى للاورام : مصر Assmaa Attia Ahmed ; Supervised Emad N. Ebeid , Ahmed M. Kamel , Eman Z. Kandeel - Cairo : Assmaa Attia Ahmed , 2013 - 164 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department of Pediatric Oncology

Myeloid neoplasms represents represents about 20% of childhood leukemia annually the majority of cases are AML although the overall survival have improved dramatically yet it remains a challenging disease especially in developing countries . One hundred and three (103) of newly diagnosed AML patients who prsented to national cancer institute Cairo University Egypt

Acute myeloid leukemia Outcome of treatment Pediatrics