The role of sonohysterography in correlation with hysteroscopy in diagnosis of hysterosalpingographcally suspicious uterine cavity lessions in infertile women /
دور الموجات فوق الصوتية المحفزة باستخدام محلول الملح فى تشخيص إصابات التجويف الرحمى المشتبه بها عن طريق الأشعة بالصبغة فى السيدات اللواتى تعانين من تأخر الحمل ومقارنتها بنتائج المنظار الرحمى :
Mohamed Fatehi Elmeligey ; Supervised Hisham Omar Kandil , Dalia Youasuf Mahmoud , Mohamed Hamam Abdmanaf
- Cairo : Mohamed Fatehi Elmeligey , 2013
- 119 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and obstetrics
Infertility affects approximately 10% of coupies which makes it one of the more common problems for which people seek medical advice . Uterine pathologies are detected in 15% of infertil patients . Uterine factors of infertility include uterine congenital malformations endometrial polyp and sub mucous fibroid and intrauterine synechia
Hysterosalpingographcally Infertile women Sonohysterography