Hepatoprotective effect of red rice and prickly pear on ccl₄treated rats /
التأثير الواقى للأرز الأحمر والتين الشوكى على كبد الجرذان المعاملة برابع كلوريد الكربون
Omaima Mohamed Abdelmomen Dewidar ; Supervised Enayat Mahmoud Hassan , Ghada Mohamedy Elkherbawy , Mona Abdelmoneim Mohamed Ali
- Cairo : Omaima Mohamed Abdelmomen Dewidar , 2013
- 133 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Food Science & Technology
The present investigation was carried out to study the formulation on different diets (blenderized) for cirrhotic liver and hepatic coma patients. The formulas were chemically and biologically evaluated. Moreover,the daily requirements of these patients as provided by the prepared formulas were evaluated. These formulas were designed to cover the daily nutrient requirements of patients