Human Interleukin 12 gene as a biomarker for response to interferon treatment in hepatitis C virus patients /
جين الإنترلوكين 12 فى الانسان كدليل حيوى للإستجابة لعلاج الإنترفيرون فى المرضى المصابين بفيروس الإلتهاب الكبدى الوبائى سى
Asmaa Mostafa Abdelaal Mohamed ; Supervised Samar Samir Youssef , Amr Saad Mohamed
- Cairo : Asmaa Mostafa Abdelaal Mohamed , 2013
- 135 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Biochemistry
Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection"The silent killer" is a global blood-borne disease that affects almost 3% of the worlds population with the highest prevalence in Egypt (15%). the standard therapy, PEG-IFN and ribavirin , is effective in only 60% of Egyptian patients; moreover it is costly, prolonged and have severe side effects, so prediction of response is essential to reduce burden of unfavorable treatment
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) IL 12 gene Response to PEG-IFN therapy