Integration study of magnetic and airborne gamma - ray spectrometric data for geological, mineralization and environmental application of G. Mizraiya, South West Sinai, Egypt /
دراسة متكاملة لبيانات المسح المغناطيسى و الاشعاعى الجيمى الطيفى الجوى لخدمة الاغراض الجيولوجية: التمعدنية و البيئة لمنطقة جبل ميزرايا: جنوب غرب سيناء: مصر
Osama Ahmed Zaki Mohamed ; Supervised Sharaf Eldin Mahmud , Atef Ali Mahmud Ismail
- Cairo : Osama Ahmed Zaki Mohamed , 2013
- 152 P. : photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geophysics
The objectives of this research are mainly including mapping the surface radioelement distribution, radioactive environmental study, mapping surface and subsurface structure. These targets will be achieved by the following items: collection the previous studies and the available geophysical data of the study area, analysis of magnetic and spectrometric data, and display it in color image