Craniofacial morphology of skeletal class : Malocclusion in two different age groups /
موصفات و قياسات الوجه و الجمجمة حالات المجموعة الثالثة من سوء الاطباق فى مرحلتين عمريتين مختلفتين
Angie Salah Mohamed Abutaleb ; Supervised Amr Hussien Labib , Mona Salah Fayed
- Cairo : Angie Salah Mohamed Abutaleb , 2013
- 125 Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Orthodontics
The purpose of this study was to investigate the different components of skeletal class , and its relative growth transformation in the three dimensions of space. The sample of skeletal class included 79 individuats; 41 in mixed dentition stage, and 38 in permanent dentition stage. The control group included 83 individials; 40 in mixed dentition stage, and 43 in permanent dentition stage
Craniofacial Growth of face and mandible Skeletal class