Optimal operation of electric power systems incorporating wind power generation constrained with stochastic chance constraints /
التشغيل الامثل لانظمة القوى الكهربية المتضمنة توليد طاقة الرياح المقيدة بقيود تصادفية عشوائية
Mostafa Ahmed Saad Mohammed Elshahed ; Supervised Magdy M. Elmarsafawy , Hussein M. Zein Eldin
- Cairo : Mostafa Ahmed Saad Mohammed Elshahed , 2013
- 145 P. : charts , facsimiles , maps ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electrical Power and Machines
The main goal of this thesis is developing different economic dispatch (ED) models for the system including both thermal generators and wind turbines and improving wind power (WP) modelling in different power dispatching problems . These proposed models are more realistic practical and accurate economic dispatch models
Economic emission dispatch Here - and -now strategy Wind power