Estimation of the level of angiogenin in lesional skin in patients with plaque stage mycosis fungoides and in patients with plaque psoriasis /
دراسة مستوى الانجيوجينين فى جلد مرضى المرحلة اللويحية فى الفطار الفطرانى وفى جلد مرضى الصداف اللويحى
Samia Faisal Mahmoud Alborno ; Supervised Naglaa Muhammad Sameh Zaky , Iman Muhammad Amin , Laila Ahmed Rashed
- Cairo : Samia Faisal Mahmoud Alborno , 2013
- 98P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Dermatolgy and Venerology
Background : Angiogenesis is a physiological process that humans undergo in order to create blood vessels from pre-existing ones . Angiogenesis is inviolved in the development and progression of pathogenic processes in a variety of disorders including inflammatory disorders as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis