Effect of Different Dentin Surface treatment on the Interfacial Integrity of Bonded Restoration In vivo study /
تأثير المعالجات السطحية المختلفة للعاج السنى على التماسك البينى لترميمات المرطبتة : دراسة حيوية
Sarah Mahmoud Sakr ; Supervised Mona Ismail Riad , Mohamed Mostafa Shokry , Heba Allah Mohamed Taher
- Cairo : Sarah Mahmoud Sakr , 2012
- 94 Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Operative Dentistry
This is in vivo study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different dentin surface pretreatment on the durability of marginal sealing across the restoration/tooth interface of different dentin depth, as assessed by nanoleakage over a period of 24 hours and 3 months. A total number of four young healthy dogs, aged two years old with an average weight of 10 Kg were used in this study. Two experimental dogs were enrolled within each experimental period. All canines, premolars and molars dogs' teeth were subjected to the different predetermined modalities.