Modeling of depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of AbuMadi reservoir, Elwastani Field, West Elmanzala concession, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt /
نموذج للبئات الترسبة و طبقة التتابع لخزان ابو ماضى لحقول الوسطانى: غرب المنزلة: دلتا نھر النل: مصر
Ahmed Abdelhady Mohamed Soliman ; Supervised Abdel Moneim Alaraby , Almoataz Bellah Hassouba
- Cairo : Ahmed Abdelhady Mohamed Soliman , 2013
- 145 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geology
The AbuMadi reservoirs are the main producers in the Nile Delta. In this study the complex geology of a fluvial deltaic near shore system was modeled using the concepts of sequence stratigraphy to build the basic reservoir architecture for the AbuMadi reservoir. Two depositional cycles were recognized based on implementing the sequence stratigraphy concept. These are: Lower AbuMadi cycle (3.3) and Upper AbuMadi cycle (3.4). Lower AbuMadi sand reservoir is believed to have been deposited in braided fluvial channel system at the base followed upwards by tidal near shore marine environment during latter phase of marine transgression.