Correlation of brain hippocampal atrophy, cognitive dysfunction and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in multiple sclerosis /
ارتباط الضمور الحصينى بالمخ بالخلل المعرفى وسمك طبقة الألياف العصبية بالشبكية فى مرض التصلب المتعدد
Asmaa Sayed Ahmed Mohammed Sabbah ; Supervised Mervat Mostafa , Ihab Ismail Ali , Faisal Abdelwahab
- Cairo : Asmaa Sayed Ahmed Mohammed Sabbah , 2013
- 214 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Neurosurgery
Background: Gray matter brain structures, including deep nuclei and the cerebral cortex, are affected significantly and early in the course of multiple sclerosis and these changes may not be directly related to demyelinating white matter lesions. the hippocampus is an archicortical structure that is critical for memory functions and is especially sensitive to multiple insults including inflammation