Comparison of optical properties calibration models using solid phantoms and bacterial suspensions adopting integrating sphere systems /
مقارنة نماذج المعايرة للخواص البصرية باستخدام اشباح صلبة ومعلقات بكتيرية بتبنى منظومة كرات تكاملية
Shaimaa Mohamed Abdelmonem Abdelhafez ; Supervised Mohamed Abdelharith Mohamed , Rahab Mohamed Amin , Aletta Karsten
- Cairo : Shaimaa Mohamed Abdelmonem Abdelhafez , 2014
- 82 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science - Department of Laser Application in Environmental Metrology Photochemistry and Agriculture
Integrating sphere is recommended as a multi-task device. Its main function is the optical refectance and transmittance measurements, especially for highly scattering samples. Moreover, integrating spheres are strongly recommended for calibration processes, therefore they they have been used to build up calibration models for optical properties determination