Montasser Abdelrauof Gomaa

Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization and Plant Density on Productivity and Quality of Sweet sorghum / تأثير التسميد الأزوتى و الكثافة النباتية علي إنتاجية وجودة في الذرة السكرية Montasser Abdelrauof Gomaa ; Supervised Elsayed Abdelaziz Mahmoud , Badawy Sayed Hassanein Ramadan , Mohamed Abubakr Bekheet - Cairo : Montasser Abdelrauof Gomaa , 2013 - 74 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agronomy

Yield response of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, L.) to nitrogen rates (60, 80, 100 and 120 kg/fed.*) and plant density (40, 46.7, 54 and 70 thousand plants/fed) was studied during 2008 and 2009 seasons at Sohag Governorate, Egypt. Increasing N rate up to 120 kg/fed significantly increased growth traits as well as quality traits (Brix, reducing sugars and juice extraction %), while sucrose and purity% responded to 100 kg N thereafter they decreased with further addition of N. Stalk yield increased by 14.12 and 15.52%, syrup yield per ton of stalks by 18.55 and 15.83%, syrup yield per fed by 35.46 and 33.91% and sugar yield by 26.29 and 33.59% and forage yield by 16.82 and 5.48 as N rate increased up to 120 kg/fed.Increasing plant density from 40000 up to 70000 plants/fed depressed sweet sorghum growth as well as juice quality traits, while stalk length increased with dense sowing. 70000 plants/fed gave the highest yields of stalks, syrup and sugar yield per fed.

Nitrogen Plant density Sweet sorghum