Magnitude of allergic rhinitis in family medicine and ent clinics of cairo university hospitals and the effect of therapeutic patient education on health related quality of life /
حجم مشكلة حساسية الانف في عيادات طب العائلة وعيادات الانف والاذن والحنجرة بمستشفيات جامعة القاهرة وتأثير التثقيف العلاجي للمرضي علي نوعية الحياة المرتبطة بالصحة
Marwa Diaa Eldin Abbas ; Supervised Tarek Mohamed Kamel , Rehab Abdelhai Ahmed , Maha Abdelrahman Mowafy
- Cairo : Marwa Diaa Eldin Abbas , 2014
- 100 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine- Department of Family Medicine
Background: Allergic rhinitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the nose. Although it is not a life-threatening condition, it has been documented to have a significant impact on quality of life. Methods: This study passed through two phases, the 1st phase was a cross sectional descriptive study to estimate the magnitude of AR. The 2nd Phase was a prospective interventional study conducted to the cohort of AR patients to compare the effect of therapeutic patient education on their HRQoL through the RQLQ(S). The patients were randomly divided into two groups where Group (A) received both pharmacological treatment and patient education while Group (B) received pharmacological treatment alone. RQLQ(S) was assessed for both groups pre and post intervention. Results: Our study was conducted over 845 patients who were screened for AR using the SFAR resulted in 200 AR patients with a prevalence of 23.7%. In the pre-interventional phase, Group (B) scored a higher global RQLQ(S) score (4.0 ± 0.8) compared to the group (A) (3.85 ± 0.8). In the post-interventional phase, the global mean score showed statistical significant difference between both groups with better score to the group (A) 3.38 ± 0.68 while group (B) 3.66 ± 0.55. RQLQ(S) means showed improvement in almost all domains with upper hand to Group (A) in six domains except for the eye symptoms domain which showed more improvement in the Group (B) but with no statistical significance