Ahmed Yehia Mohamed Salama Shash

Effect of processing parameters on the mechanical characteristics of nano - structured A356 / (AI2O3) P cast metal matrix composites (MMNCs) by RHEO - casting techniques / تاثير متغيرات الانتاج بأساليب السباكة الريولوجية على الخصائص الميكانكية لسبيكة الالومنيوم 356 المدعمة بحبيبات اكسيد الالومنيوم النانوية Ahmed Yehia Mohamed Salama Shash ; Supervised Fawzia H.Kouta , Iman S.Elmahallawi , Klaus Eigenfeld - Cairo : Ahmed Yehia Mohamed Salama Shash , 2007 - 84P. : ill. ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Mechanical Design and Production

A number of castings were prepared from liquid and semi - soild aluminum alloy A365 without any particles addition and reinforced with micro and nano particles of AI2O3 of size range 10 um and 500 nm , respectively

AI - Si alloys Metal - Matrix composites Nano - composites