Inhibitors to factor VIII in patients with hemophilia A /
المثبطات للعامل الثامن في المرضى الذين يعانون من الهيموفيليا ا
Esraa Mahmoud Khaliel Swailam ; Supervised Normein Abdelhalim Kadah , Azza Ibraheim Mostafa , Rania Ismail Magdi
- Cairo : Esraa Mahmoud Khaliel Swailam , 2014
- 125 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Hemophilia A is X-linked coagulation disorder occurs due to mutation in the gene responsible of Factor VIII production.Providing the deficient factor VIII to the patient (whether plasma derived or synthesized) is a must. Formation of Factor VIII inhibitors one of the most complex side effects of treatment. The present study was conducted on 30 pediatric hemophilic patients, all are males to evaluate risk factor for inhibitors development. Eight patients showed positive factor VIII inhibitors. Treatment of six of them were with increasing the dose of the replacement factor (Factor VIII or Cryo), and three patients needed factor VII to be prepared for surgery and to treat acute bleeding episodes