Pliocene reservoir prediction through rock physics transformation of seismic inversion attributes, Western Nile Delta, Egypt /
التنبؤ بالخزان البليوسينى من خلال تحويل الخصائص العكسية للانعكاس السيزمى إلى خصائص فيزياء الصخور فى غرب دلتا النيل بمصر
Mohamed Said Radwan ; Supervised Sharaf Eldin Mahmoud , Khalid Sayed Ahmed Tawfik Essa , Thibaut Cheret
- Cairo : Mohamed Said Radwan , 2014
- 123 P. : photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geophysics
An Integrated workflow has been accomplished to emphasize the importance of using the spectral decomposition and performing the pre - stack simultaneous inversion to distinguish between the pore fluid and lithology prediction over two wells of the West Delta deep Marine concession, offshore Nile Delta Egypt. These two wells located in the eastern part of the West Delta deep Marine concession, which lies offshore in the deep water (250 - 1500m) of the present day Nile Delta. This project aims to utilize the pre-stack seismic data over these two wells with the intention of preparing to complete a quantitative seismic interpretation. The seismic inversion will form the basis of quantitative seismic. Spectral decomposition and Possions impedance was a useful tool to distinguish between different gas saturation reservoirs