Diagnostic accuracy of heart-type free fatty acid binding protein for the early diagnosis of ST elevation myocardial infarction among Egyptian patients /
الذقة التشخيصية للثروتين الرابط الذهني الحمضي (النوع القلبى) في التشخيص المبكر لحالات إحتشاء عضلة القلة الحاد المصاحة بإرتفاع المقطع (تى إس)في المرضى المصريين
Mohammed Ibrahim Salih Ibrahim ; Supervised Hesham Eldin Salah Taha , Hossam Eldin Ghanem Elhossary , Waleed Abdulsalam Ammar
- Cairo : Mohammed Ibrahim Salih Ibrahim , 2014
- 139 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology
Background: Chest pain is a non-specific complaint and is the most frequent reason for patients to seek urgent medical attention. The immediate challenge is to be able to identify acutely impaired myocardial perfusion before the necrotic process starts. Myocardial infarction with its complications is one of the most serious challenges in contemporary cardiology. Among biochemical markers of myocardial ischemia, human heart-type free fatty acid binding protein (h-FABP) showed excellent sensitivity and specificity for the early diagnosis of an acute MI as it is released rapidly (30 minutes) from the cardiac myocyte to the circulation in response to myocardial injury; hence it may be useful for rapid confirmation or exclusion of MI. Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine the diagnostic value of (h-FABP) in patients with acute chest pain (within 3 hours from symptom onset) accompanied with ST elevation in ECG and compare it to the standard cardiac biomarkers