Combined radiofrequency ablation and transarterial chemoembolization in treatment of unresectable primary liver cancer /
الجمع بين التردد الحرارى و الحقن الكيماوى عن طريق القسطرة الشريانية كعلاج لاورام الكبد السرطانية الاولية الغير قابة للاستئصال
Wessam Mostafa Mohamed ; Supervised Ahmad Sami Saeed , Gamal Eldin Esmat Mohamed , Ayman Ismail Kamel
- Cairo : Wessam Mostafa Mohamed , 2014
- 128 Leaves : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis
This study was conducted on 20 patients having nodular hepatocellular carcinoma from 5 to 7 cm in diameter, patients were randomized into two groups (10 patients each); The mean age of the first group was 47.12 ± 2.98 and the mean age of the second was 48.30 ± 1.70 The liver biochemical profile in our study showed slight changes after the procedure (slight increase in bilirubin and ALT and reducetion in albumen in both groups). Regarding the complications of both procedures: fever, ascites, haematemesis and melena were the most common complications encountered in our study