The results of fixation of subtrochanteric fractures by locked plate biological and open method /
نتائج تثبيت كسر تحت المدورين بالشريحة ذاتية الغلق عن طريق التثبيت بيولوجيا و التثبيت المفتوح
Ayman Mohamed Ahmed Zayan ; Supervised Ahmed Galal , Ashraf Elnahal , Sherif Khaled
- Cairo : Ayman Mohamed Ahmed Zayan , 2014
- 127 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedic Surgery
According to our results, no superiority of either technique was demonstrated with respect to fracture union time and functional results. Except Submuscular biological plating had superiority regarding intraoperative blood loss and post-operative pain. From the overall results of this work and in comparing with other works which used different implants and post-operative function result PFLCP design is superior than DCS and condylar plat as it is easier method than both devices. Other bio statistical studies did not show regarding function result that proximal femoral nailing is superior to PFLCP