Investigation of extended spectrum beta - lactamases and metallo - beta lactamases produced by pseudomonas aeruginosa in cancer patients in Egypt /
دراسة للطيف الممتد الانزيمات بيتا لاكتميز و ميتالوبيتا لاكتميز المنتجة بواسطة عينات بكتريا السودومونس ايروجونوزا فى مرضى السرطان بمصر
Mai Mahmoud Zafer Mourad ; Supervised Magdy Ali Amin , Moh. Seif Eldin Ashour , Hadir Elmahallawy
- Cairo : Mai Mahmoud Zafer Mourad , 2014
- 174 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common opportunistic and nosocomial pathogen that causes severe infections with a high mortality rate, especially in immune compromised patients or those with underlying diseases. The increasing prevalence of MDR P. aeruginosa isolates is a global health problem, because of the limitation in clinical treatment options. Nowadays, imtensive clinical use of carbapenems has caused the presence of carbapenem resistant P. aeruginosa populations