The effect of haemodilution with different solutions on coagulation profile during mastectomy operations : (an in - vivo study) /
تاثير تخفيف تركيز الدم بالمحاليل المختلفة على التخثر اثناء جراحات استئصال الثدى : دراسة اكلينيكية
Hala Reda Mahfouz ; Supervised Mahmoud Kamel Ahmed , Abd El fattah Abd El sattar Hussein , Moushira Fathy Elseify
- Cairo : Hala Reda Mahfouz , 2006
- 146P : diagrs ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department Of Anaesthesia and Pain Relief
There were highly significant changes in the coagulation profile of patients after infusion of the three solutions used in the study , without variation between them (except for prothrombin time) This change in coagulation profile results had no clinical impact on patients
Crystallorids and Collorids Haemodilution Hydroxyethyl starch