Role of tetrahydroxymethyl folate reductas genend vitamin b12 in cancer colon /
دور المثيلين الرباعى مختزل الفولت و ب12 فى حدوث سرطان القولون2001 - 2004
Eman Mahmued Eltahlawy ; supervised Shafika Nasser , Salwa Abdelaziem , Amr Saad Soliman
- Cairo : Eman Mahmued Eltahlawy , 2005
- 145P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department Of Community Medicine
This work is a case control study that is carried out to determine the relation between colorectal cancer in one side and socio - demographic , environmental risk factors , dietary intake of folate and B12 in other sides among 212 cases recruited from National Cancer Institute and 212 control free of any diseasesCases and controls were submitted to the following steps of work interviewed to fulfill a questionnaire about risk factors of colorectal cancer (socio - demographic and environmental risk factors) , then 100 cases and their matched controls wee asked for items of food frequency sheet , A sub - sample of 50 cases and their matched controls (taken from 100 cases and controls who filled food frequency sheet) , serum folate and megaloblastic anemia were measured