Dina Refaat Sobhy Ahmed Ragab

Study of corrosion mechanism ofiron artifacts found in a chloride-rich environment and the methods of chlorides removal : With application on selected objects / دراسة ميكانيكية صدأ الآثار الحديدية المتواجدة فى بيئة غنية بالكلوريدات و طرق التخلص منها : مع التطبيق العملى على نماذج مختارة Dina Refaat Sobhy Ahmed Ragab ;Supervised Wafaa Anwar Mohamed Soliman , Mohamed Abdelrahman , Mai Mohamed Refai - Cairo : Dina Refaat Sobhy Ahmed Ragab , 2014 - 270 P. : charts . facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Archaeology - Department of Conservation

Weeping, Sweating, Fuzzy or Velvety appearance "; are the symptoms of active corrosion for excavated archaeological iron artifacts, which reflect an ongoing corrosion problem as the objects were found in a chloride- rich environment. Severe corrosion and degradation will be the expected results if the excavated objects are not well preserved and treated after excavation. The aim of the present work is to study the mechanism of chloride compounds formation and evolution, in order to find the most suitable method for desalinating and treating these kinds of objects. The objectives can be recapitulated into the following points - Study the aspects and symptoms of the chloride compounds formation (active corrosion). - Study the formed chloride compounds and their properties. - Study the akaganeite compound growth and the nature of its formation. - Study the physical damage caused by akaganeite as it represents a heavy load on the surface of the corroded iron.

Active corrosion Chloride rich environments Iron Artifacts