Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and Its correlation with job stress and coronary artery disease in young policemen undergoing coronary angiography /
انتشار المتلازمة الايضية و علاقتها بضغىط العمل و مرض الشرايين التاجية فى رجال الشرطة حديثى السن الذين اجروا قسطرة قلبية
Mostafa Elsayed Abdallah Mousa ; Supervised Ayman Kaddah , Sameh Bakhoum , Mohammad Abdelmeguid Mousa
- Cairo : Mostafa Elsayed Abdallah Mousa , 2014
- 151 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology
Besides well known risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD), the role played by job stress has been a controversial issue. Confronted with demanding tasks of organizing the chaotic Cairo traffic, Ensuring the safety of civilians and establishments together with fighting and preventing terrorism, Egyptian policemen have been facing a most challenging job and potentially the most intense stress. To assess the extent of coronary artery disease among Egyptian Policemen and its correlation with metabolic syndrome as well as Job stress compared to similar age matched civilians. From June 2013 to May 2014, this study was conducted on 75 policemen and 75 civilians aged 45 years or less admitted with clinical scenario of IHD. Consent was taken from each patient; all patients were subjected to full history taking and analysis to determine degree of job stress, Clinical examination, 12 leads ECG, Laboratory investigations, Coronary angiography and calculating the Gensini score were done for every patient