The role of ultrasound-assisted combined femoral and sciatic nerve block in diagnostic knee arthroscopy in intra-operative and postoperative pain control /
التخدير الموضعى للعصب الفخدى والعصب الوركى بمساعدة الموجات الصوتيه وتأثيره على الالم أثناء وبعد العملية الجراحيه فى المنظار التشخيصى لمفصل الركبه
Haitham Mohamed Hassan Kassem ; Supervised Ayman Dessouki , Hesham Khedr , Ashraf Almasry
- Cairo : Haitham Mohamed Hassan Kassem , 2015
- 99 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anesthesia
Being minor invasive surgery as it is, the knee arthroscopy requires alternative anesthetic modalities which are suitable for the concept of day case surgery. The more common regional techniques used are spinal anesthesia and combined sciatic-femoral nerve block. The unilateral spinal anesthesia has its advantages of using small doses of local anesthetics and hemodynamic stability while the ultrasound guided combined sciatic & femoral nerve block can provide adequate anesthesia with better postoperative analgesia Patients and methods: This study included 32 adult patients undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery divided randomly into 2 groups 16 patients each, the first group received 10 mg hyperbaric bupivicaine + 25 og fentanyl in lateral position, the second group received combined sciatic and femoral nerve blocks with ultrasound guidance and nerve stimulation in which 15 ml of isobaric bupivicaine 0.5% was injected in posterior approach sciatic nerve block and 25 ml of isobaric bupivicaine 0.5% was injected in femoral nerve block