Stratigraphic and structural study on the early Pliocene reservoir, sapphire Field, Offshore Nile Delta- Egypt : with special emphasis on the seismic amplitude attributes /
دراسة أستراتيجرافية و تركيبية لخزان البلايوسين السفلى حقل سافَير ، دلتا النيل البحرية مصر: مع التركيز الخاص على صفات السعة السيزمية
Ekramy Ahmed Fawi Ali;Supervised Elsayed Abdeaziz Aly Yousef , Mohamed Saleh Hassan Hammed
- Cairo : Ekramy Ahmed Fawi Ali , 2015
- 127 P. : maps ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geololgy
The present thesis presents a structural and stratigraphic study on Sapphire Gas Field that lies in the West Delta Deep Marine (WDDM) concession. The thesis address the results of seismic reservoir mapping by identifying the different depositional architecture elements and model of the Early Pliocene reservoir of the Sapphire Field based on interpretation of Average Absolute Amplitude seismic (AAA) maps and their calibration with borehole data including the following. 1) Channels and channel fills i. Simple linear to highly sinuous sand fill channel (High amplitude) ii. Simple linear to highly sinuous mud fill channel (Low amplitude) iii. Channel Complex and Channel Fills - Laterally stacked channel complex system - Aggradational channel complex system