Effect of needle acupuncture versus surface acupuncture on blood pressure In hypertensive patients /
تأثير الوخز بالابر الصينية مقابل التنبيه السطحى لنقاط الوخز الابرى على ضغط الدم لحالات ضغط الدم المرتفع
Ashraf Ishak Michaiel Youssef ; Supervised Hala Mohamed Ezzeldein , Ibrahim Nagieb Elebrashi , Mariam Elsayed Mohamed Abelaal
- Cairo : Ashraf Ishak Michaiel Youssef , 2015
- 124 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Physical Therapy for Cardiopulmonary and Geriatrics Disorders
Objectives : The purpose this study was to find out the effect of both needle acupuncture and surface acupuncture on blood pressure (Mild to Moderate) in hypertensive patients. Subjects and Methods: Forty hypertensive patients 22 men and 18 women with age ranged from 41 years to 52 years were selected from outpatients clinic of Al kaser Al Aini Hospital, Cairo University Egypt. These patients divided randomly into two equal groups (20 patient per each).Group (A): (n=20) received needle acupuncture connected with electric stimulation. Group (B): received surface acupuncture connected with electric stimulation. Both groups (A and B) received two sessions per week for six weeks. The parameter including blood pressure (systole and diastole), heart rate and oxygen saturation were measured before and after treatment program