Amr Sayed Taha Meabed

A DSC - Based direct torque controlled permanent magnet synchronous motor drive / منظومة لدفع محرك التزامن ذى المغناطيس الدائم المعتمدة على طريقة التحكم المباشر فى العزم باستخدام متحكم الاشارات الرقمية Amr Sayed Taha Meabed ; Supervised Ahmed Alaa Elkousy - Cairo : Amr Sayed Taha Meabed , 2007 - 98P. : Charts ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Electrical Power and Machines

Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are becoming the industry de facto in servo application.these motors are high performance motors having faster torque response , higher effciency , and higher power density than induction and stepper motors the main application areas are in servo drives

Direct torque control Flux estimators Permanent magnet synchronous motors