Study of physico - chemical factors governing emanation of radon from some glazes and ceramic bodies /
دراسة العوامل الفيزيقوكيميائية التى تتحكم فى انبعاث الرادون من بعض الطلاءات الزجاجية والاجسام السيراميكية
Heba Elsayed Hussien Sadek ; Supervised Afaf AbdElrazek Osman , Souraya AbdElmaksoud Eldefrawi
- Cairo : Heba Elsayed Hussien Sadek , 2007
- 116Leaves ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Inorganic Chemistry
The object of the present work is to study of the factors affecting the exhalation of radon from the ceramic tiles coated with glaze containing different present of zircon as opacifier , whic are the melting temperature , the sintering process , the density and the zircon contents