Transvaginal utrasonographic assessment of lower uterine segment thickness and prediction of uterine rupture in cases of vaginal birth after caesarean delivery /
استخدام الموجات فوق الصوتية المهبلية فى تقييم سمك الجزء السفلى من الرحم بحدوث انفجار رحمى فى حالات الولادة المهبلية بعد قيصرية سابقة
Mohamed Mahmoud Hussein ; Supervised Mohamed Ali Abdelkader , Abdallah Yehia Elkateb , Yahia Mohamed Elfaissal
- Cairo : Mohamed Mahmoud Hussein , 2015
- 84 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Objective:to assess the strength of the association between transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of the lower uterine segment in women with prior one CS undergoing a trial of vaginal birth and uterine scar defect at delivery and to ascertain the best cut-off value for predicting uterine rupture . Results: Uterine dehiscence was found in 3 cases (5%).There were no cases ofuterine rupture. The thicknessof lower uterine segment among the gravidas with dehiscence was significantly less than those without dehiscence. The cut-off value for the thickness of lower uterine segment was 3.0 mm as calculated by the receiver operating characteristic curve .The sensitivity was 89.5% , specificity 75.6% , positive predictive value 63% ,negative predictive value 90.3%.
Lower uterine segment and VBAC Uterine dehiscence Uterine rupture