Syn-rift sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon systems in : East zeit field southern Gulf of Suez /
التتابع الطبقي والنظم الهيدروكربونية للصخور المزامنة للخسف في جنوب خليج السويس : حالة دراسية حقل شرق الزيت
Tarek Abdelfattah Kamel ; Supervised Mohamed Darwish , Heider Saad Osman
- Cairo : Tarek Abdelfattah Kamel , 2014
- 102 Leaves : charts , facsimiles . maps ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geology
East Zeit (EZ) Field which is located in the southern part of the Gulf of Suez (GOS) represents the area of the present study. This field contains well developed Miocene sands. The present study suggests a predictive sedimentary model, based on the context of the sequence stratigraphy, for the Langhian (Markha/Asl) sandstone reservoirs with the aim to help in the exploration and development of un-drained hydrocarbons in this field and other similar style fields in the Gulf of Suez and the northern Red Sea. The sequence stratigraphic correlation of the Langhian Asl/Markha sandy reservoir intervals across eight selected wells, throughout the study area with the cycle-chart of Haq et al., (1987); resulted that the Asl sandy sequence has been put in the TST to HST of the 3rd order cycle 2.3, while the Markha sand in the LSW to TST of the 3rd order cycle 2.4. Beyond the low frequency seismic scale, the individual system tracts was also subdivided into a series of `Parasequences`, which permitted well-by-well correlation on a higher resolution scale. Asl clastic sequence consists of higher order five Parasequences, while that of Markha clastic sequance consists of four Parasequences.